Housing & New Builds

We provide renewable energy solutions for the Housing sector, including new builds and development.

We understand that energy efficiency is an issue for the Housing, New Builds and Development sector, and it can be particularly problematic for large plots of land or vertically expanding buildings, and the escalating power demands this brings.

Here at Vital Heating Solutions, we understand the pressure on developers and housebuilders to provide homes that meet the very highest environmental standards and our solutions can be specifically designed for the reduced consumption provided by the fabric of the building. Our mission is to produce renewable heating and plumbing solutions for all; and to reduce costs without compromising quality for new sustainable homes schemes.

Over the past ten years, the housing development industry has changed. As space becomes limited, no longer are new estates of detached homes the norm, nowadays apartment blocks/flats are in constant development – many of them connected to housing developments and mixed-use schemes.

But this isn’t just an issue of aesthetics… One of the challenges developers are now facing is how to incorporate energy efficiency technologies into their new schemes. In fact, it’s not unusual for planning permission to hinge on such proposals and energy generation and distribution are very closely linked with Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes.

Vital Heating Solutions now work extremely hard to produce solutions that exceed targets and ensure that projects are future-proofed for further development and expansion.

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